quicklaunch popup oddness (spaces?) Thread last updated on 2003-10-23 16:05:57

Posted by member 12025 on 2003-10-23 00:25:03

Alright, so I have my theme near ready to release and be shot down to bits...and I set...
TLr "!PopupDynamicFolder $Quicklaunch$"

...and all I get is a popup with a title of "Documents" with nothing else. Of course I knew they must be quoted, but quotes within quotes...er...
!PopupDynamicFolder $Quicklaunch$

from lsxcommand also gets it, yet
!PopupDynamicFolder "$Quicklaunch$"

doesn't (normal popup, but doesn't work for setting a variable).
I've searched but can't find a normal escape character for quotes within quotes. I got around it kinda sorta by making a script !bang (not in a way I really like, but I'll see about using textedit and seeing if I can find a better, if convoluted, solution), however, is there a nice way around it? Never know when another file or directory name with a space in it will pop up...
(now off to sleep; tomorrow: do everything over again with textedit)

Posted by member 37809 on 2003-10-23 08:22:22 link

I am not sure what you have done, but use single quotes if you have used double quotes already.
For good measure put stuff inside !execute [] unless you feel like trying and erring. :)

For example, in ckHotspots's syntax, you must quote the enter and leave actions for actions that have spaces in them:
*ckHotspot x y w h [on enter] [on exit] [name] on/off.
; example from ckHotspots docs:
*ckHotspot 1081 -24 71 24 !SystrayShow !SystrayHide Systray on
; quote actions that have spaces (this is untested btw)
*ckHotspot 0 0 1 1 '!execute [notepad][!PopupDynamicFolder "$QuickLaunch$"]' '!alert "You r0ck!" "$Username$"' myFunkySpot on

Posted by member 12025 on 2003-10-23 16:05:57 link

Thanks, that was it. I tried single quotes inside of double quotes, but not double quotes within single quotes.