A beta theme section Thread last updated on 2003-10-24 22:04:08

Posted by member 1958 on 2003-10-20 20:59:08

I would like to see a beta theme or a theme development section on the site
so you have one for tested/working themes
and another for themes that have had limited or no testing
and/or are still under development

the big reason for this is ther are a lot of new themes & newly converted themes
made by people that only have limited knowledge of what they are doing
or like every one ells just mess up once in a while

the other problem is that not all people RTFM and when they
get a theme that doesn?t work they go to deferent boreds and say litestep sucks
instead of opening the theme.rc and finding out what the problem is, and informing the author of the theme

the reason i think this would help is there wold be less hassle from newbs and flamers, because most of them would be downloading the tested themes.
plus the serious litestep themers would get more of the help and impute they need and learn from ther mistakes resulting in better themes and themers

pleas take this under consideration

PS. This is the mane reason I don't post my themes and they just float around in my circle of finds

PPS. I cant spell sorry

Posted by member 1 on 2003-10-21 06:14:02 link

Im sorry Im going to have to go with a no on this one. This is just setting up a bunch of trouble. There are things in the works to "fix" this if that is at all possible but it is taking some time. Sorry

Posted by member 35 on 2003-10-24 22:04:08 link

there's a themes section on forums.loose-screws.com, use that one for betatesting.