win2vnc and vwm's Thread last updated on 2003-10-11 19:05:52

Posted by member 1316 on 2003-10-11 12:01:37

Hey folks. just like any other app, for win2vnc's connection to stay while switching between desktop, it needs to be specified as a sticky app. otherwise, at least using ckvwm, when you switch to a different desktop, then switch back to the original, the connection is actually gone (even though win2vnc is still running). my problem is, there's no actual program window that you can get the title for, so how would you do this? any clues? any help would be appreciated, thanks folks. rabidvwm doesn't have this problem (just doing a *vwmsticky win2vnc.exe works fine), but now that the lastfocus issue is resolved (seems to be as of the last release) I think I'll stick with ckvwm for now.

Posted by member 7223 on 2003-10-11 16:00:43 link

Using literunner, you can assign a hotkey like this:
*hotkey ctrl+win i !literunneridentify

Just pay attention to perform this on the window titlebar. Otherwise you could have the Class/Caption of a sub-window (edit,...)

Posted by member 1316 on 2003-10-11 18:29:21 link

sorry, I guess I should have explained what win2vnc is. basically, it connects to another machine running a vnc server, and enables you to control it like it is just a second monitor. you can move your cursor between the two computers just by going to whichever screen edge you specified as the "gateway" (top, bottom, left or right). the problem being, it doesn't HAVE a window. it does show up as an icon in your systray and as a process in task manager, but that's it. I haven't trying doing an ID on the systray icon yet (I will try to tonight). unless if the initial connection window will work...hmmm... something else to try!

edit: ok, neither works. ID'ing the initial connection window just shows "VNC Authentication", which would obviously change after the connection is established. and ID'ing the systray icon just ID's my system tray module.

Posted by member 1316 on 2003-10-11 19:05:52 link

nevermind, I got it. when I've moved the cursor over to my second computer, it actually sees that MONITOR as the win2vnc window. thanks for your help smurth.