OTS2, an odd question Thread last updated on 2003-10-08 12:55:06

Posted by member 20409 on 2003-10-05 12:00:45

Used the installer, great job to everyone on that by the way, love the the themeswitcher.
Anyway, I've notice in the theme that comes with it, YF-19, that the theme.rc, I'm assuming to replace step.rc, there are no loadmodule commands. Now, there are the netload commands at the bottom of it, but I thought that was there just to add the ones that were missing. I still can't see any mention of a loadmodule command. At first, I though OTS2 just loaded everything that was in the litestep\modules directory. But while converting the theme I had been building to OTS2, I tried to duplicate that effect to no avail, ie. I still had to use the loadmodule commands. Just curious how this is working?

Posted by member 1783 on 2003-10-05 13:36:26 link

netloadmodule also loads the modules. it's like run module and download if missing :)

Posted by member 20409 on 2003-10-08 12:55:06 link

Thanks a bunch, also found the link in the new longhorn that that gives all the changes, even though I found the rest of them out over time. Thanks!