Boot Disk Theme Thread last updated on 2003-10-01 19:35:16

Posted by member 1340 on 2003-09-30 12:49:08

well if anybody has this old theme lying around, please send it to me at or

Theme :: Boot Disk
Author :: 143lsstep

Posted by member 35 on 2003-09-30 13:32:09 link

i have it for lsdistro, sending it now ;)

Posted by member 700 on 2003-09-30 17:51:58 link

Someone should post old themes on this site. See if you can get permission from the author, if you can't contact them, post the theme anyway and make sure you give proper credit in the details. If the author says something, just let them know we love themes and ideas for themes. Can you post the them sryo so the rest of us can see it?

Posted by member 35 on 2003-09-30 19:30:50 link

i have around 80 themes from 2000 on, i should try to contact the authors, but i think it would be a good idea as i couldnt find most of them in any other site.
the problem is that they are independant (no distro) or lsdistro, and that will cause many many questions inthe forums of noobs that couldnt run them...

Posted by member 1340 on 2003-10-01 01:05:05 link

thnks a lot. i lost it a while back. was my favourite theme. made it to old's top 10. thanks a lot. i will update it to ots and release it soon. thanks sryo again. btw sryo its a good idea to post those old themes somewhere... i would love to update all of those cool "ceeslans" themes... especially the Gello series,,,, if u have it....

Posted by member 1340 on 2003-10-01 02:47:23 link

got the theme. thanks again. already updated and working on OTS. still crashes a lot. figuring out things... will be ready in a couple of days.

Posted by member 1 on 2003-10-01 05:13:13 link

I have almost 2000 themes on my HD starting from .24.5. I plan on getting them up here as soon as I can get an interface written. It is on the list of things to do.

Posted by member 1340 on 2003-10-01 07:24:12 link

thats great. it would be great if u can post them. i would love some of my old favourites to get updated to the new formats. New users are missing a lot of some good old themes. and yeah a new interface is much required for browsing themes... kinda the "browse list" one here by default. see ya.

Posted by member 1316 on 2003-10-01 16:43:28 link

dev, that list's just getting longer and longer, isn't it? ;)

Posted by member 1 on 2003-10-01 19:35:16 link
