Win2k Screen Lock Thread last updated on 2003-09-23 12:57:42

Posted by member 64153 on 2003-09-23 08:34:48

My 2k domain is set to lock the workstation screen after 5 mins of I lock my screen every time I leave my office (we have some tricksters around here). When I return to unlock my screen, litestep is locked up. Only way I've found to unlock it is to hit the ctrl+alt+del and launch the task manager. Don't have to end any tasks...just the simple fact that there's a new window in the task bar unlocks it. Any suggestions?

Posted by member 7 on 2003-09-23 11:49:56 link

Argh... and I was hoping it wasn't a common problem. You aren't the first to report this, but I've never been able to reproduce it on my Win2k setup. :( It must be something that's different on your box. Which servicepack do you have installed? Is there any app running in the background that might interfere? Can you think of anything special about your setup that might help tracking this down?

Posted by member 64153 on 2003-09-23 12:22:12 link

I have SP3 and running at the time were the Linksys wireless network app, NAV anti virus, ezcd creator, and something called logitec photo something or other - these were all loaded in the taskbar...I didn't have any apps opened. I don't think there's anything special going on. Loaded modules are desktop2, taskbar3, popup2, systray2kad, hotkey, shortcut2, label, syscolor, ckvwm, textedit2, mzscript, gandharva, rainmeter. I also just loaded the default LS theme and it's the same deal. Happy to try and track this down with your help, anything you want me to try?


Posted by member 64153 on 2003-09-23 12:57:42 link

have some follow up info. It doesn't take locking the computer to lock LS. Simply hitting ctrl+alt+del and hitting cancel will lock up LS. Also, I managed to unlock LS by activating or disabling the windows network activity icon in the task bar while LS was locked up.