Two Problems Thread last updated on 2003-09-15 22:17:10

Posted by member 63104 on 2003-09-15 12:53:18

I'm using the simplicity theme that comes with LiteStep.

My first problem is that when I start programs, they don't appear on the taskbar but when I do a litestep recycle, they appear. Every time I start a new program, I'd have to recycle to make it appear on the taskbar.

My second problem is that when ever I add something to step.rc (and then save the file), then recycle litestep to make the changes effective, those changes don't appear.

Can anyone suggest solutions to these problems?

Posted by member 1 on 2003-09-15 14:13:08 link

The most common situation that causes your second problem is that you are saving the file in notepad as step.rc.txt. Pull up a command prompt and make sure that the file extention is actually .rc and not .txt.

Posted by member 63104 on 2003-09-15 14:39:02 link

Yeah, thats what I also thought, but it saves the step.rc without the .txt extensios.

Posted by member 1316 on 2003-09-15 16:02:32 link

did you maybe type in the commands wrong? I always do and don't notice it at first.

Posted by member 63104 on 2003-09-15 22:17:10 link

Nope, infact I kept it simple. All I added at the end of my step.rc was:

MSTaskbar true
TaskbarPositioning True

By the way, I'm changing the file c:\litestep\themes\simplicity\step.rc, is that the correct file to change?