Profiles Thread last updated on 2003-09-10 09:20:27

Posted by member 7223 on 2003-09-10 00:46:47


I think each user should have a total control of his "Profile". What I mean, is that, usually, things happens like this:

- I post one screenshot of my current theme,
- other users post comments,
- I answer them,
- few months later, I post another one screenshot
- other users post comments,
- I answer them,
- ...

After a while there's a lot of comments out of date; comments about screenshots that have been removed since a long time.

Then, I'm asking that the owner of the profile can remove all unwanted stuff (outdated comments)

Posted by member 35 on 2003-09-10 01:19:11 link

maybe automatically archiveing ,say, a month old posts would be better IMO, then every post could be accessible, without being confused with the latest screenshots.

Posted by member 1 on 2003-09-10 08:37:02 link

if you read back through the posts you will find another thread on this. tuxpow3r was going to work on it as soon as he got done working on themes, which you may have also noticed hasn't been updated. Everyone here at LSnet has gotten a good dose of real life as of late. when the rewrite is done it will be added...but for right now I have nobody to do the update.

Posted by member 8918 on 2003-09-10 09:20:27 link

Glad to hear another with the same thought on the profiles pages. I was just going to re-post the same. Thanks for the update, DeViLbOi...I will continue to look forward to the changes...Patiently. *Grin* If I had any knowledge about it, I would volunteer to help. LOL.