I just installed litestep on my new xp box and i have run into a compleatly new error. running file manager now opens up the entire explorer shell as oposed to Explorer the file browser, any ideas on how to get around this? (i use ls on my other xp box and i have never had this problem)
If you're running Litestep as the shell for only the current user you need a VERY specific set of registry entries set or you will get this behavior. Omar's Litestep installer should do the trick, but I've heard of some problems with it, so I'll post the entries here:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\IniFileMapping\system.ini\boot]
"shell"="USR:Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]
Naturally make sure all the paths are correct before using that. You can copy and paste it into a text file, save it as a .reg, and run it to add those entries. If you don't have administrative access to your registry there could be problems though.
Thankyou very much, just what the doctor ordered, And now onto work on my new ls theme.
Which setting was not set correctly?
Ugh, In XP Home it gives me the error 'Cannot Create Value. Error Writing To The Registry'
it was missing the dword value for desktopprocess
steevn do you have admin access? if you don't that could be the problem
My account has Admin, yes. I was able to modify the first key. But the second didnt exsist, and I am not able to create it.
If you have administrative access you can try manually browsing to the registry section in question, right click on it and hit "permissions." If you can get into that options menu you should be able to give yourself whatever permissions you need to create keys there. If you can't you will probably have to log in as the genuine administrator in order to create that key. If you're in XP the administrator account is probably "administrator" and by default it only shows up when you start up in safe mode. As for what the administrator password is, its impossible to say. Whoever installed windows would have set that up.