auto hide deskfolders with a timer? Thread last updated on 2003-08-15 03:17:06

Posted by member 3116 on 2003-08-15 03:06:13

okay, it's like 5 am, and maybe i'm not thinking straight, but here's what I have set up, and what i'd like it to do.

I have a wharf (I Know.. antiquated) set up as buttons to display different folders of shortcuts wiht deskfolders, now, it's working, the only thing is, i'd like them to disappear after 10 seconds or so, because as it stands I have to click the wharf icon a second time to make them dissappear. Here's my coding just so you know what I'm talking about:

*Wharf Apps wharf1.png !Deskfolder toggle name(apps)

*Wharf Games wharf2.png !Deskfolder toggle name(games)

*Wharf NetApps wharf3.png !Deskfolder toggle name(netapps)

*Wharf Media wharf4.png !Deskfolder toggle name(media)

I'd like to know if there's a module out there that will do that or make them autohide when i click the next wharf entry. maybe using an if/then instance like:

if"deskfolders" is running then "autohide"
!Deskfolder toggle name

I also read somewhere that label.dll will display tasks (instead of using tasks, or taksbar where I'm already using label I'd like to keep the number of loaded modules to a minimum) is this true or was I hallucinating?

Posted by member 7223 on 2003-08-15 03:17:06 link

- About label: as I know, it only display the active task
- To autohide anything you want, use timer.dll
- About "make them autohide when i click next wharf entry...", you should do some scripting