sound icon does not display... Thread last updated on 2003-08-18 11:16:00

Posted by member 230 on 2003-08-06 09:21:36

Hiya and good day Litestep community,

recently i upgraded Litestep and it's components by using Omar's superb Litestep Installer v2.4.

Everything runs smoothly without any problem. *THUMBS UP*

However, it seems that the "sound and volume" icon in the systray does NOT appear automatically appear after i start up and login to one of my winXP account that uses Litestep.

I have to manually go to the "sound and audio devices" option in the Control Panel to disable the "Place volume icon in the taskbar" and re-enable back to get the icon to display in the systray.

When i log in to another account that uses the default winXP "Explorer" shell, the volume icon display normally without problem.

May i know anyone has any suggestions/solution to this minor issue?

Thank you and have a nice day.

Posted by member 2112 on 2003-08-06 18:23:24 link

The sound and volume icon displays for me everytime I login into WinXP. Have you tried a different theme? Maybe the icon is there but the systray isn't wide enough to display it.

Posted by member 1316 on 2003-08-06 18:48:19 link

are you using the latest build? I don't know, I've never had this problem.

Posted by member 230 on 2003-08-07 06:28:35 link

I am using the latest version of Simplicity by Omar.

There's no problem with the size of the systray also.

Posted by member 32550 on 2003-08-07 07:35:45 link

ahm.... a stupid question... but .... are you sure that you havn't dissabled showing the icon???? Just open the contol Panles -> Sounds and take a look if the systray icon is enabled ;)

Posted by member 230 on 2003-08-07 07:53:55 link

It always enabled.

Posted by member 1316 on 2003-08-07 11:58:54 link

the latest version of simplicity doesn't have anything to do with your litestep build. do you remember the installer version? if it was 2.4, then you should have the latest build. also, try using another theme, and see if the problem still happens.

Posted by member 230 on 2003-08-09 08:41:26 link

erm...i wrote this when i created this thread, "...recently i upgraded Litestep and it's components by using Omar's superb Litestep Installer v2.4."

Posted by member 2112 on 2003-08-09 18:35:37 link

So did you try another theme yet?

Posted by member 25239 on 2003-08-10 10:26:51 link

I've got the same problem, and happens also with shellon icon (I'm running own custom theme)...

I guess it has something to do how early systray gets loaded, though I'm not sure about that and haven't bothered to test...

perhepas those icons load with OS, and not after shell has been loaded (like what seems to be case with other icons)

perhaps I'll do some tests soon.. have some spare time =)

Posted by member 202 on 2003-08-10 16:01:15 link

(slight tangent: shellon does have a keyboard shortcut to restore its systray icon.)

Posted by member 230 on 2003-08-18 11:16:00 link

yo yo...i'm have now installed v2.5 of Omar's Litestep Installer and the problem still exists.

Anyway Bluekkis, thanks for helping out in the testing. :D