Is there a line in one of the documents that tells litestep what picture to set as my wallpapaer. I am trying to figure out how to make a the wallpaper my wllpapaer and OMG don't tell me to try "control panel>display". I already did that and litestep has its own thing going on.
sounds like there's a wallpaper module in the theme you're using. look in your theme modules directory, then check the docs for that module.
well... there seems to be no module constraining my "display properties>desktop>wallpaper" i am usign resonance and i am unable to cahnge wallpaper still....
check your personal.rc and related files (x:\lspath\personal). if you're running a shell manager, make sure its wallpaper features are turned off. if you switched themes with lsts, make sure those wallpaper features are off as well.
what are all the modules that are being loaded by resonance? I can't find it, so I can't look myself. also, try finding the name of the wallpaper file, then doing a search in the themes main folder for any files containing the wallpaper's name in the text. then go to the file that contains the text, do a search in IT for the filename, and then remark out the line that specifies the wallpaper.
Quick question...are you trying to set a BMP or a JPG as your wallpaper via the Control Panel?