excalibur ii theme Thread last updated on 2004-07-27 05:13:04

Posted by member 52049 on 2003-07-26 15:46:23

Is anyone using this theme?


I was wondering if there is a ported visual style of this theme (WindowBlinds or StyleXP), if not, it would be really nice if someone can port one

Posted by member 602 on 2003-07-28 15:05:59 link

None that I know of. I never made one at least. I think it goes quite well with the xp silver style. But if anyone wants to have a go at it I can mail the .psd files for both the theme itself and a WA2 skin I started to work on for it. I will probably never finish it so if someone wants to pick it up just let me know.

Posted by member 23367 on 2004-07-27 05:13:04 link

one question for the author, you know that button with the small arrow on the right side of the clock? what exactly does that do? Since it doesn't seme to work on mine, im not sure what it does, so i can't fix it :p