Need help with this... Thread last updated on 2003-07-30 10:01:43

Posted by member 50924 on 2003-07-26 13:33:16

Just recently started using litestep and was wondering if someone could help me with this. What I am trying to do is switch wallpapers on a resume from a system lockdown. I have used this hotkey command !Execute [!Wallpaper "$Documents$wallpaper.bmp][!SwitchUser]to change the background pic and lock the computer. What I can't figure out is how to swap the background back on a resume.

If anyone has any ideas that would be great.

Posted by member 202 on 2003-07-27 12:24:05 link

currently, i don't think there are any litestep modules that allow bangs to be run when the workstation is unlocked. (be a great module idea...)

Posted by member 7 on 2003-07-28 01:29:53 link

There were requests like this before, but I've never found out if and/or how windows notifies apps of the "unlock" event. Without such a notification it'd be hard for a module to execute a !bang after unlocking. =) If you can find out anything about this (on MSDN for example) lemme know.

Posted by member 50924 on 2003-07-29 01:13:03 link

Thanks for the feedback guys, looks like I'll have to make do with a manual command for the time being. Might take a look at writting a module to do it if I ever get the time btw my coding skills leave alot to be desired so don't expect it to work well! :P

Posted by member 49318 on 2003-07-29 20:53:31 link


sounds similar

Posted by member 202 on 2003-07-29 23:02:55 link

(i'm not a windows api hacker, so i have no idea how relevant the following links are. apologies if i'm posting junk...)

LSA authentication: LINK

lsalogonuser: LINK


winlogon and gina: LINK

windows 2000 security event descriptions (non-MSDN): LINK

audit logon events: LINK

winxp pro system event id's: LINK

Posted by member 202 on 2003-07-30 10:01:43 link

xrx posted a neat hack to the requests forum:
uses dynamic loading/unloading of jkey to trigger the !unlock command(s). it'll work nicely, at least until we have a module. *grin grin*