ICQ and Winamp Not loading on Systray Thread last updated on 2003-07-13 05:04:05

Posted by member 48821 on 2003-07-12 02:22:22

I managed to fix the explorer/shell problem... but the icons of ICQ and Winamp still doesn't appear at the systray... and when appear, they are unavailable...
I've already replaced the systray .dll file... but nothing changed... It happens in all themes... and only with ICQ and Winamp.

I'd really like some help.... I'm kida new in Litestep.. I've installed it today eheheheh

Posted by member 1 on 2003-07-12 09:06:38 link

explain "when apear, they are unavailable..." please.

Posted by member 48821 on 2003-07-12 10:36:33 link

the icons when appear in the systray, they are just like they weren't there at all... you may click on then how many times you want, they won't work... clear now ?? :PP
(sorry for my bad english ahuhauhua)

Posted by member 1 on 2003-07-12 14:58:48 link

try changing system tray modules...some are just old and buggy.

Posted by member 48821 on 2003-07-12 16:28:43 link

i've already replaced all the systray modules... i've already tried to load all of them... nothing worked !!!!
i really want some help !!!!!!

Posted by member 1 on 2003-07-12 16:41:29 link

All of them eh? Thats a whole lot of reconfiguring. I personally have never had any of these problems. I would switch back to explorer and see if you are having the same problem there.

Also...have you ever run applications similar to DesktopX or the like.

Posted by member 48821 on 2003-07-12 19:22:28 link

yeah... i've tried desktopX once, but i didn't liked it, so i uninstaled it... with the explorer shell, there is no problem at all with the systray...

oh yeah.. now, when i'm under litestep, there are no icons at all at the systray... :///

Posted by member 1 on 2003-07-12 19:44:15 link

go into your registry and delete all the stuff about DesktopX...what is left after an uninstall skrews up LS...which is described in about 6 - 10 threads previous.

Posted by member 48821 on 2003-07-12 20:28:19 link

i've already erased everything from the DesktopX in the registry before... it didn't work... and i didn't understand this last thing you said: "which is described in about 6 - 10 threads previous." could you explain it ?

Posted by member 1 on 2003-07-12 20:52:28 link

Sounds like you got some stragglers.


Posted by member 48821 on 2003-07-12 23:28:16 link

hheheh i don't know what a straggler is... if it is a problem or just an expression

and this link you've posted is broken.. :P

Posted by member 1 on 2003-07-12 23:31:23 link

stragglers...things left behind, in hiding...

sorry about the link...damn expiration...

*kills tux*

Posted by member 48821 on 2003-07-13 00:14:30 link

now the systray decided to appear... after an desktop error... but, surely, after rebooting, it will desappear again... but, at least, it's working by now...

thanks for the help Devilboi !!!!!

Posted by member 1 on 2003-07-13 00:41:40 link

try loading your desktop module before your systray module...see if that helps.

Posted by member 7 on 2003-07-13 05:04:05 link

Check the Run keys in the registry and make sure that you removed the trayserver.exe that DesktopX left behind.