Is it possible to specify which of the 4 virtual desktops a program will always run on? For example, making internet explorer always open on desktop 3 even if i click on a shortcut to it on desktop 1.
use rabidvwm.dll
*VWMStartWindowsOnDesktop #c 'window class' 'desktop nr'
it's in the docs too ;)
hmm, seems if I load that module it breaks my *VWMSticky commands. Would this be a conflict with the current VWM and if so, if i unload the current VWM (ckvwm.dll) which comes with the theme I'm using...could it break the theme?
well, you only want to be loading one VWM module. unload ckvwm, and only load rabidvwm. the commands for each are similar enough that you shouldn't have any problems.