Question about time(s) Thread last updated on 2003-07-06 18:07:41

Posted by member 27923 on 2003-07-01 16:26:05

Ok, I'm wondering if there is a way to have more than one clock, all with a different time and a little caption under them. i.e., Current Time, Tokyo Time, Chicago Time etc. etc... And, like the thinger near the taskbar that goes from the command bar, to CPU stats to Dynamp, I'd like the clock to be able to switch like that. Is this possible?

Posted by member 11869 on 2003-07-01 22:45:16 link

if you use the label module, you can just add or take away the amount of hours for the specific timezones, on my theme i have the time for greenwich, new york and where i live in australia.

Posted by member 11869 on 2003-07-02 02:22:22 link

I have code like this
Labels CurrentTime, GrenTime
CurrentTimeText "Adelaide\n[time('ii:nn:ss')]"
GrenTimeText "Greenwich\n[time('ii:nn:ss', '-9:30')]"

The -9:30 gets me the time for GMT, as My TimeZone is GMT +9:30.

Posted by member 27923 on 2003-07-06 18:07:41 link

Thanks! Do you I have to put that in a specific location?