Working With the Source Code Thread last updated on 2003-06-29 15:07:54

Posted by member 42328 on 2003-06-25 12:03:44

I'll start here but if anybody has any suggestions for a better development resource, please direct me.

I have the source code and I'm currently working through building it and trying to just execute the shell. First of all, I decided I'd try to build it in Visual Studio .NET since it catches some previously unnoticed errors in V C++ 6.0. Here is what I have found thus far: the code compiles without error in 6.0, but in .NET it catches an improper use on an iterator, it finds a function that was defined to return a CString but actually returns a bool, and has trouble locating one file which is probably nothing more than a path being lost on conversion up to .NET. Those problems are easily fixed and I don't know that they have much affect on stability. Now, my real questions begin when trying actually debug.

I have not tried executing under VC 6.0, but I have under .NET and I am coming to problem after problem. Can somebody run litestep right after compiling with 6.0? I would like to know if the problems I'm dealing with are source code related or IDE related. It _might_ be my theme which is turning into a heavily modified version of Utterance. Guess I could try the default theme.

It seems the code is kind of picky and likes to throw unhandled exceptions. First and foremost, the stack is being corrupted when a bool is passed into a Windows API function when it should be a BOOL. It doesn't seem to have affected performance in any way but its just something I've noticed. Next, due to the lack of development documentation, I had some troubles actually getting the .rc files all set up to load my theme. What I found is litestep will throw an exception after finding an undefined variable. It seems to work ok when just running the release build, but it should probably be addressed since its showing up while debugging. It is possible the exception is surpressed in release mode and so I don't see it otherwise. I have to investigate further. My theme uses lsbox.dll and I've emailed the author to see if it's been heard of before, but I noticed that if I load up a .PNG file into photoshop 5.0, save it out, then have it load through the .box shortcut, litestep hangs and must be forcefully closed. I can't debug this yet but I'm wondering if anybody else has heard of this? My final problem thus far, and where I stopped last night, was an unhandled exception when trying to obtain the color ref of systraybghuecolor.

I'm just kind of confused that the release can run so well but have so many problems while debugging. Is it just my configuration, my theme selection, my choice to go with .NET or is this noticed by others?


Posted by member 31 on 2003-06-26 22:00:20 link #lsdev

It would be useful to know what source code you are trying to work with.

Posted by member 42328 on 2003-06-26 22:50:34 link

This was with It was also before I noticed the .24.7 stuff. I'm trying to get more info and the full source for it. I emailed ilmcut yesterday, but I haven't heard back yet. I'd love to be of some help.


Posted by member 1031 on 2003-06-28 10:44:45 link

I'm interested to hear about your progress, stimpy. Please post your conclusions here if you have time! (I can't use IRC at the moment as I'm overseas with a sporadic connection.)

I've had similar problems, and all sorts of confusion attempting to compile older modules too, whether I use 24.7b3 or the latest indiestep. Jugg/all, is there somewhere I can get information about how to do this, or should I just wait until I'm back in IRC contact?

Posted by member 42328 on 2003-06-28 22:57:49 link

Ok, I've got it all up and running.

VC 6.0 is rather uncaring about a number of problems and so it lets this compile with out errors. .NET is much pickier so you have to fight through tons of errors that would otherwise slip through. To work with the code, I've gone back to using VC6.0. Indiestep compiles and will run as soon as I fixed a bug when dealing with a BSTR (will run without fixing but it tosses out user breakpoints).

.24.7 requires a lot more stuff before it will compile. I'm attaching a link to the build.txt file so you can see what is required to build the latest build. I have .24.7 compiling and I'm starting the process of fixing some very trivial things so its easier to work with. Haven't run it all the way throgh the debugger yet.

[EDIT] removed link


Posted by member 7 on 2003-06-29 01:40:41 link

Well this file is neither done nor does it include the final requirements. It's not even in the 0.24.7 CVS yet. Hence I didn't want to make it public already. Oh well.

Posted by member 1031 on 2003-06-29 02:38:24 link

Thanks for the tips, stimpy!

No worries ilmcuts, I guess I just like playing with the latest 'toys'. Serves me right when I can't figure out how to get them to work properly. I guess I'll stick with indiestep until 24.7.anything goes public. I'm certainly looking forward to it!

Posted by member 42328 on 2003-06-29 15:07:54 link

My apologies for posting that. I didn't want to type it all out and didn't see anything particularly misleading or even missing from the file.
