ckVWM question Thread last updated on 2003-06-20 22:37:13

Posted by member 1316 on 2003-06-20 08:29:32

Ok, let me try to explain what I'm trying to do. In my vwm window (the mini desktop chooser window, not the desktop itself), maximized window images are taking up the entire image. for instance, if each vwm (it has 4 total) is 40 pixels by 40 pixels, with a 3 pixel border on each side, then a maximized window takes up 40x40, instead of 34x34(leaving the borders in view). is there any way to leave the borders uncovered using ckVWM? or any other module? if you don't understand what I'm trying to ask, lemme know. I can try to explain it better.

Posted by member 37809 on 2003-06-20 09:48:31 link

I suggest trying RabidVWM. I think it can do this. I once had this 'problem' before, being unable to see the selected/current desk with a maximized window covering the entire minidesk. My solution for ckVWM was to have an external always-on-top window for the graphical frame of the current minidesk; I used shortcuts that were toggled by VWMOnSwitchToN . I would imagine that you could do the same by just moving a label or an lsbox around, but see if RabidVWM can do it before resorting to this.

Posted by member 1316 on 2003-06-20 09:59:55 link

I guess I'll give rabidvwm a shot again. I don't know why(and it seems like I'm about the only one), but I keep having weird problems with it, but I'll give it another shot. :(

Posted by member 37809 on 2003-06-20 22:37:13 link

Weird problems? I cannot remember what combination of settings it is.. that produces weird window drawing behavior--windows don't seem to be drawn when expected, or are drawn only on overlaps.. something vague that I don't remember. I've duplicated it once but didn't really notice what causes it. Maybe next time i config from scratch :), since now it behaves well.