So, using shortcut2.dll, I have a shortcuts that go to various folders. I also have regular, hover, and click images for the shortcuts. Now, if I click on a shortcut but remove the mouse from the shortcut before the window (from the command executed by the shortcut) opens, the hover image stays on the shortcut, even though I am not hovering, and then goes away if I hover and leave the shortcut again. It seems that the only way to prevent this is to remain hovered over the shortcut until the window pops up (really only a split second), but still... any idea why this happens or how to stop it? I'm pretty sure I've tried many different versions of shortcut2.dll with no success.
Thanks, I hope I described the problem clearly enough!
Are you sure that it's the action of waiting for the window to open up that's the hinge pin? I've seen this same action occur when i mouse off of a shortcut too fast, before i've let up the mouse button, i think. I can't remember right now if it was the click image or the hover image that would "lock" in.
Well, it's definite number 1 and not number 2:
1 - I move the mouse off the icon quickly, but AFTER letting up the mouse button
2 - I move the mouse off the icon before letting up on the mouse button
In case number 2, the action would never even be performed, which is how it should be. No, the problem is DEFINITELY that the hover icon gets stuck there if i move the mouse off too fast, but I am not sure what the trigger is.
Oh, how about this... could it be based on the refresh time of the module?
Ok, now check this out... I replaced some of the folder shortcuts with bang commands that took me to the folder anyways. The problem disappeared... so now I am confused
the problem disappeared -> don't be confused, be happy ;)
Yeah, well, I updated a bunch of modules and the problem ended up going away anyways... so now I've replaced a LOT of stuff with bang commands for nothing... heh, oh well! Problem's gone either way :-)
What were those updates if I may ask? I'm having the same problem and I don't want to replace anything with bangs unless I have to.
lol, i can't really remember... I have like 4 versions of the core modules on my computer and i just started picking random ones. But i may have been wrong about fixing the problem, because i tested it again and it was still there. Keep playing with it though, you might find someway to get it to work. Me, I am just using bangs :-(