Layering? Thread last updated on 2003-06-16 13:45:40

Posted by member 36897 on 2003-06-14 01:20:45

Is there anyway to specifically control layering?

I have some shortcuts and some labels and I would like to be able to control what goes on top of what. Any suggestions?


Posted by member 35747 on 2003-06-14 02:20:23 link

!labelnametogglealwaysontop to toggle the always on top or not
!labelnamealwaysontop to put it on top...

*!labelname is the label name ;)

if you want to toggle a lot of layer, make a !bang command with mzscript
*script bang !mirc
*script exec !labelname1togglealwaysontop
*script exec !labelname2togglealwaysontop
*script exec !labelname3togglealwaysontop
*script exec ...
*script ~bang

have fun

Posted by member 602 on 2003-06-14 06:22:02 link

If you only want to control what goes on top of what and you don't want anything on top of all else (e.g windows), then loading order is the best way.

First module loaded goues on top of the next module loaded and so on. So if you want your shortcuts on top of your labels, load shortcuts2.dll before label.dll.
If you want one shortcut over another then define that shortcut before the other (the file is read top-down). I don't know if this works for labels. But something should control which goes over what, so try experimenting with the label list defining the one you want topmost first and things like that.

I don't like using ontop-bangs since then your labels or shortcuts will end up on top of everything, but maybe that's what you wan't. If not, then as I said experiment and use loading and definition order to control ontopnes.

Posted by member 7 on 2003-06-14 10:18:42 link

Try zorder.dll (shameless plug)

Posted by member 36897 on 2003-06-16 13:45:40 link

Thanks for your help everyone! I got 99% of my layering problems solved. It's the last 1% that's giving me a problem.

Basically I changed things around so that all my labels are on top of all my shortcuts, except one shortcut (we'll call it shortcutA) which I'd like to be on top of everything.

I think my best option is to use mzscript, which I'm having some problems with. I'd like to load my shortcuts.dll and my labels.dll like normal, then load a script from mzscript.dll. But, I'm not sure how to automatically load a script, or how to tell shortcutA to be on top of everything in an mzscript though. I played around with the code that Ahaus mentioned but I couldn't get it to work with this scenario. Any suggestions? Thanks again for your help!
