EXPLORER.EXE Thread last updated on 2003-02-08 20:12:30

Posted by member 5419 on 2003-02-08 15:06:36

Hello! I used LiteStep before and I'm thinking of installing it again, it's just that, this thing with windows starting when you use the "explorer" command? although when I look in my old step.rc it seems I used the explorer command anyway.. anyone that can help me remember how this worked? =)

Posted by member 5419 on 2003-02-08 15:08:02 link

Ooh and by the way, It was under Windows95 and litestep ver.b24.5.

Posted by member 1 on 2003-02-08 20:12:30 link

You need to make sure that all of your Registry keys are set correctly. If you have LS set for CurrentUser but Explorer set for Machine it will give you problems. They should both be LS. If you want per user shells you will need to set them both to like ShellON or something.