Theme upload Questions / Req. Thread last updated on 2003-06-11 17:31:10

Posted by member 39964 on 2003-06-11 12:42:49

I'm new to Litestep and am just about to finish my first theme but I had a couple of questions about uploading it. If there is already a document that describes what needs to be done to upload a theme just point me in that direction and we'll just pretend that none of this ever happened.

1.) How do I know what Distro I have?

2.) What is a port theme? I'm pretty sure that mine classifies as minmal, but I want to make sure.

3.) Do I need to provide contact information for myself with my theme?

Posted by member 39964 on 2003-06-11 12:49:00 link

Almost forgot a question.

Does a theme have to be multi-resolution friendly? I have used negative values for docking on on the right and bottom of the screen and checked that it works at different resolutions. However, in my opinion certain graphics I have used start to look worse the lower the resolution goes.

Posted by member 1316 on 2003-06-11 15:13:33 link

1. Unless if you've installed the beta (0.24.7), then you're running 0.24.6. Now, if you installed it using Omar's installer, then you're running 0.24.6 with Indiestep 02/09/2003(the latest Indiestep, and the one included in Omar's current installer release). If you're not sure, then you're probably still running 02/09/2003, but who knows. Maybe by some freak chance you're not, but you probably are.
2. A port theme is, for instance, a "port" of the Linux Ximian desktop to Litestep.
3. You don't need to, but most themers do, in case people who download it have problems, or find bugs that need to be reported/fixed.
4. It doesn't NEED to be, but it's usually recommended to be rez independent, and it's definitely appreciated by the people who are going to use your theme.

Posted by member 1 on 2003-06-11 15:51:18 link

1) The distro you speak of is OTS or no distro. You can go either way and you will catch grief from both ends no matter how you do it. If you go to the OTS website you can find if you meet the criteria to be OTS Compliant.

2) Ports mean that your theme is not an original and that you converted someone elses work to make the theme. deuce's example is perfect.

3) You are not required to give the info out, but it will be available here so why try and hide it?

4) If your theme is not going to be resolution independent make sure you say that in your description.

Posted by member 11905 on 2003-06-11 17:31:10 link

If you can do a little extra work to make the theme more friendly to more resolutions, it would probably be appreciated. Think of it from the user's view. If your hardware will only let you run 800x600 and you d/l this theme only to find out that it looks like rubbish, you probably wouldn't be too happy.
just my $0.02