Placing systray2 in LsBox Thread last updated on 2003-06-07 11:08:21

Posted by member 3116 on 2003-06-06 22:11:35

Now, i've been messing with my theme for like 6 hours now, and it's pretty much up and running as close to perfectly as i care to get it, except the systray. i've got it hooked in an lsbox, and i can see it, it works, and except for the backgroundof each icon being white (which i'm not worried about, and will fix when i get this issue resolved)the ONLY problem i'm having is that systray defaults to 0,0 in the box. My LsBox has a BGimage with an 8 pixel border, and is offset by 2 pixels from the left edge of the screen, to make a total of 10 pixels. I've read the docs, searched the forums for the last 2 hours, and cannot find any documentation anywhere on how to place the systray at 8,8 IN the box.
I've tried:

SystrayBorderX 8/SystrayBorderY 8
SystrayX 8 / SystrayY 8

As well as the actual location on the screen, Both have no effect. I've switched modules to grdtray, and that didn't work either (couldn't get it to hook). I've read every forum with the words LSBox and Systray in them, and although helpful, they weren't relevant to this situation as far as i can decern. If anyone's figured it out, and could tell me either how to do it, or point me to the right docs, that'd be much appreciated.

Posted by member 8104 on 2003-06-07 00:31:53 link

Hallowed, I haven't ever tried it, but if you're typing in the SystrayBorderX 8/SystrayBorderY 8 with the slash in it rather than a new line, that might be a problem, though I'm thinking you just put it that way in here for simplicity. Also, just in case you care about your spelling as I do, it's discern, not decern... otherwise, go ahead an disregard that.

Posted by member 3116 on 2003-06-07 08:10:14 link

Yeah, that's just the way i typed it for simplicity, and sorry for the typo, it was late last night when i was typing that up.

Posted by member 562 on 2003-06-07 09:59:42 link

systrayX 8
SystrayY 8

Posted by member 3116 on 2003-06-07 11:08:21 link

thanks. issue was that i didn't specify systrayx/systrayy before calling the box.