systray, taskbar3 and lsbox Thread last updated on 2003-06-03 01:56:26

Posted by member 35747 on 2003-06-03 00:21:32

hi, i tried to put my taskbar3 module in my lsbox, it work, but, when i drag my box, the task stay at they position (x=0, y=0) ans it's like the lsbox is on the top of taskbar... i can click on it, but onli when put my box over the task... and for the systray, i tried to put it in the box with *modulehook !systrayhook, but it's not working... i've searched in another theme, and all its ok... what i have to do to put the systray in my box and that the task follow the box when it's dragged...

thx in advance...

Posted by member 7223 on 2003-06-03 00:29:45 link

Make sure you load the modules you want to hook BEFORE lsbox

Posted by member 35747 on 2003-06-03 01:20:15 link

now, when i refresh, i see nothing... i pass my mouse over the task (hidden) and they appears, but i don't see the systray, if im patient, i put my cursor over the systray place, and i can see the hint... but not the icon...

my systray setting are

systrayx 700
systrayy 0
systrayautosize true
systraydirection left
systrayiconsize 14
systraywidth 100
systrayheight 20
systrayiconspacingx 3
systrayiconspacingy 1
systraywrapcount 10
systraywrapdirection up
systraybordertop 0
systrayborderbottom 0

systraybitmap $imagedir$back.bmp
systraybitmaptiled true
systrayborderdrag false

i hope you could help me...