desktop gone Thread last updated on 2003-02-10 05:17:18

Posted by member 5115 on 2003-02-07 10:52:49


I've just installed litestep. After I've downloaded a desktop theme and try to use everything on the desktop disappeared and I don't know how to install another theme or get the old windows desktop.
What I did was that I chose the downloaded theme - the only disturbing was that there was no preview - and click on select. The next thing was that everything disappeared.
Can anybody give me some hints on how to restore my desktop?

Thanks in advance


Posted by member 1 on 2003-02-07 12:01:17 link

Yes...LiteStep does take control of your desktop and you will loose your desktop icons. You should probably read up on the manuals and other documentation that can be found at

Posted by member 1316 on 2003-02-07 12:02:43 link

Once thing you can try is CTRL+ALT+DEL, and starting up lsts.exe located in your litestep directory. You should then be able to choose another theme if you have one installed. If not, you can remove Litestep, which will bring back the explorer shell, and then download another theme and re-install litestep. make any sense?

Posted by member 562 on 2003-02-07 12:12:06 link

LSTS writes a wrong "include $themedir$step.rc" to in main step.rc - guess because of corrupted theme file. there are so many newbies who face this problem! someone should have a look into this LSTS bug. meanwhile, suggest to use LSControlPanel to switch themes.

Posted by member 265 on 2003-02-07 20:39:57 link

yes, LSCP is great for theme switching, and reliable.

as mentioned at the very start of the installer, you can read about the LSTS bug (so you understand what it is and how to fix it ;) in: yourLiteStepDir\LSTS_NOTICE.txt

nice to see you ceeslans. :D

Posted by member 5028 on 2003-02-10 05:17:18 link

Download a new Theme, unpack it to your themes dir and then press
CTRL_ALT_F1 for the LS Emergency menu, then select the LSCP and
switch to your cool new theme, you should be back in bussines.