Posted by member 230 on 2003-05-28 00:13:29
Hiya to the community! There's a question posted in the litestep section of "Demented forum" so as a mod of the forum, i believe why not i post this in here where they might be better responses to the below mentioned question? Thank you in advance. ;)
P.S: The below mentioned question has been edited to make it easier for reading...
Can anyone kindly tell me if there´s a way to put the tasks images on top of a shortcut image because i´m making a theme. The only problem is that tasks only work if i
remove the shortcut image wich is the background of the tasks iface when they aren't all open.
When i remove that shortcut image it makes transparent the unused parts of tasks and i´m realy furious because i´ve spend days to design all the iface and popup menu for this theme which has two versions:
blue and green ...
*Shortcut "© di50rd3R 2003" 493 1168 tsk-face-b.png .none .none
TasksX 493
TasksY -8
TasksWrapCount 12
TasksWrapDirection up
TasksDirection right
TasksBgImage tsk-btn-b-1.png
TasksSelBgImage tsk-btn-b-2.png
TasksMinBgImage tsk-btn-b-3.png
TasksHeight 24
TasksWidth 24
TasksIconSize 18
Thank you very much in advance.
P.S: The below mentioned question has been edited to make it easier for reading...
Can anyone kindly tell me if there´s a way to put the tasks images on top of a shortcut image because i´m making a theme. The only problem is that tasks only work if i
remove the shortcut image wich is the background of the tasks iface when they aren't all open.
When i remove that shortcut image it makes transparent the unused parts of tasks and i´m realy furious because i´ve spend days to design all the iface and popup menu for this theme which has two versions:
blue and green ...
*Shortcut "© di50rd3R 2003" 493 1168 tsk-face-b.png .none .none
TasksX 493
TasksY -8
TasksWrapCount 12
TasksWrapDirection up
TasksDirection right
TasksBgImage tsk-btn-b-1.png
TasksSelBgImage tsk-btn-b-2.png
TasksMinBgImage tsk-btn-b-3.png
TasksHeight 24
TasksWidth 24
TasksIconSize 18
Thank you very much in advance.