Weather Desk. Thread last updated on 2003-02-06 20:36:35

Posted by member 3865 on 2003-02-06 20:13:00

I have been trying to setup my weatherdesk and keep running into some errors. Temp and wind-chill are both displayed as 0 and wind speed is not displayed and has a > in front of it. Below is my part of my step.rc that has the info, am I missing something?


;------------------------W E A T H E R D E S K--------------------;

WeatherDeskX 0
WeatherDeskY -64
WeatherDeskFontColor FFFFFF
WeatherDeskHeight 40
WeatherDeskWidth 200
WeatherDeskCycleDelay 5
WeatherDeskFormat "#t#gF, Wind #wmph#nWindchill: #c#gF#nHumidity: #h#n#s"
WeatherDeskXOffset 54
WeatherDeskYOffset 12
WeatherDeskFont "Century Gothic"
WeatherDeskFontSize 14
WeatherDeskUpdate 5
WeatherDeskUpdateColor FF0000
WeatherDeskPage0 "/US/SD/Rapid_City.html"
WeatherDeskPicXOffset 1
WeatherDeskPicYOffset 1
WeatherDeskClearPic C:\LiteStep\weatherdesk\Images\wx-clear.bmp
WeatherDeskDustPic C:\LiteStep\weatherdesk\Images\wx-dust.bmp
WeatherDeskFogPic C:\LiteStep\weatherdesk\Images\wx-fog.bmp
WeatherDeskLtRainPic C:\LiteStep\weatherdesk\Images\wx-ltrain.bmp
WeatherDeskRainPic C:\LiteStep\weatherdesk\Images\wx-rain.bmp
WeatherDeskHvyRainPic C:\LiteStep\weatherdesk\Images\wx-hvrain.bmp
WeatherDeskDrizzlePic C:\LiteStep\weatherdesk\Images\wx-drizzle.bmp
WeatherDeskHazePic C:\LiteStep\weatherdesk\Images\wx-haze.bmp
WeatherDeskPCloudyPic C:\LiteStep\weatherdesk\Images\wx-pcloudy.bmp
WeatherDeskMCloudyPic C:\LiteStep\weatherdesk\Images\wx-mcloudy.bmp
WeatherDeskOvercastPic C:\LiteStep\weatherdesk\Images\wx-overcast.bmp
WeatherDeskLtSnowPic C:\LiteStep\weatherdesk\Images\wx-ltsnow.bmp
WeatherDeskSnowPic C:\LiteStep\weatherdesk\Images\wx-snow.bmp
WeatherDeskHvySnowPic C:\LiteStep\weatherdesk\Images\wx-hvsnow.bmp
WeatherDeskBlizzardPic C:\LiteStep\weatherdesk\Images\wx-blizzard.bmp
WeatherDeskUnknownPic C:\LiteStep\weatherdesk\Images\wx-unknown.bmp
WeatherDeskIcePic C:\LiteStep\weatherdesk\Images\wx-ice.bmp
WeatherDeskTStormPic C:\LiteStep\weatherdesk\Images\wx-tstorm.bmp
WeatherDeskPopupThemeFile c:\litestep\weatherdesk\skins\gray\gray.ini
WeatherDeskPopupX 300
WeatherDeskPopupY 500

Posted by member 37 on 2003-02-06 20:36:35 link

I hate to tell you this but weatherdesk has become a bit of an outdated mod. The weather site that it gets it info from has changed format several times, which causes those errors you see. The original source code for the mod is awol, and so is the mod author, so getting this fixed is not too likely.
You could check or for info on a litestep mod (sort of) called "GetWeather" by Boreas. It takes a little setting up, but is current.