ok first off let me start off by sayin that litestep is a great shell replacement.....but since i inistalled it its messed my pc up a bit...everytime i double click an icon it takes me to the windows xp search....and i have to right-click and click on open to be able to open the folder is there anyway to fix this problem?
doesnt anyone know how to fix this?
I have used LS for years and years and have never had this problem. LS can cause problems with the explorer file manager, but nothing like this. Id say try using a different file manager if possible and dump the bloated exploder all together.
What module is creating the icons that you are clicking on? Or do you mean when you click on icons in explorer? Anyway, if the icons are part of litestep, figure out which module creates them, and then talk to the module author about it (find out who that is in the readme of the module).