Posted by member 124072 on 2005-07-19 21:42:31 link

its a 412x412 transparent box, im using it to hook/dock objects to make a theme that has a 50x50 box with the time, and then on all 4 sides there will be tabs that collapse/expand to show lsxcommand, winamp controls, vwm, taskbar, and the systray. i want to have the entire thing draggable, so I thought if I hooked them into 1 giant transparent label i could move them around, but like fractaldesign said, if 1 is transparent so is the other, and vice versa. I tryed docking but that wont work,because if you drag the main label and hit the bar to show the lsx, the lsx doesnt come along with it, it stays at the original coordnates.